Tuesday, August 30, 2011

Hatred, Love and Support

I don't understand hate. I don't understand why people hate to the point of causing harm, whether that's physical, emotional, or any other form. I mean, I understand not agreeing with someones values or beliefs, but to do so to the point of causing harm......I just don't get it.

I was recently watching a documentary about religion and homosexuality, during which they interviewed and pursued both sides of the argument. One side being that homosexuality is the path straight to hell, and the other being that we are still God's children, gay or straight, and he loves us all the same. Honestly, I was very impressed with this particular documentary's unbiased path. Anyway, during the interviews one "pastor"(I put this in quotations since it was his title, even though I feel he does NOT deserve to be called such) made the comment that all homosexuals should beaten to death, and their bodies disposed of the same way they were during World War II. Needless to say, I was shocked and appalled. How could anyone, let alone a "pastor", think such horrible things about another human being?

My heart breaks for people with so much anger in their hearts. People like that are one of the reasons so many teens, and even adults in the Gay community have taken, or even think of taking their lives. I was very blessed to grow up with knowing that, even though I didn't come out until my 20's, my family loved me and would stand by me all of my life. Because of them, especially my mother, I can honestly say I have never considered suicide because I was gay. Even during the years of inner struggle, and even some self-hatred, never once did that thought occur to me. For that, I want to thank my mother and my family. Their love and support have meant so much to me.

However, not everyone has been as blessed as I have. For that reason, we must continue to lookout for one another. Yes, I do mean the gay community, but I also mean all mankind. We must remember that we are all in this battle against hatred together; gay, straight, man, woman......No one deserves to be hated because of who they are, or how they were born.